Social Media Policy


The Welland Soccer Club (WSC) recognizes the importance of social media as a valuable communication and engagement tool. This Social Media Policy aims to provide guidelines for the responsible use of social media by our members, including players, coaches, staff, volunteers, and parents, to ensure that all content associated with WSC reflects our values and promotes a positive community spirit.


This policy applies to all social media platforms including, but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and any forums or blogs related to soccer and the activities of the WSC.

Guidelines for Social Media Use

Representing WSC

  • Professionalism: When posting as or on behalf of WSC, maintain a professional tone. Content should positively reflect the club’s values and mission.
  • Accuracy: Ensure that all information shared is accurate and has been verified. Do not spread misinformation or rumors.
  • Permission: Obtain explicit permission before posting images or videos of players, especially minors, and ensure that any content shared respects the privacy and dignity of all individuals.

Personal Use

  • Respect: Exercise respect and kindness in all interactions. Do not engage in or share content that is abusive, harassing, discriminatory, or otherwise offensive.
  • Confidentiality: Respect the confidentiality of club-related matters and do not share proprietary or sensitive information.
  • Identification: If you identify yourself as a member of WSC, clarify that your views are your own and not necessarily those of the club.


  • Engagement: Positive engagement with the community is encouraged. Use social media to promote club events, achievements, and positive stories.
  • Responsiveness: When appropriate, respond to comments and inquiries in a timely and respectful manner, directing individuals to the official club contact points for specific concerns or questions.

Prohibited Content

  • Offensive Material: Do not post content that is defamatory, pornographic, incites violence, or violates any laws or regulations.
  • Discrimination: Content that discriminates against any individual or group based on race, gender, religion, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other status is strictly prohibited.

Reporting and Violations

  • Reporting Misuse: Any misuse of social media related to WSC should be reported to club management for review.
  • Consequences: Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, removal from the club, depending on the severity of the violation.

Policy Review

This Social Media Policy will be reviewed periodically and updated as necessary to ensure it remains relevant and effective in managing the club’s presence and interaction on social media platforms.


All WSC members are required to acknowledge and adhere to this Social Media Policy as part of their membership or participation in the club. By engaging with social media, members agree to uphold the standards set forth in this policy, contributing to a positive and respectful online community.