Volunteer Policy


At the Welland Soccer Club (WSC), we believe that volunteers are the backbone of our organization, playing a critical role in our success on and off the field. Our Volunteer Policy is designed to outline the framework within which we engage volunteers, ensuring a rewarding and productive experience for everyone involved.


The purpose of this policy is to define the roles, responsibilities, and procedures for the recruitment, engagement, and recognition of volunteers at WSC. It aims to create a structured and supportive environment where volunteers can contribute effectively to our soccer community.


This policy applies to all individuals volunteering in any capacity within the club, including, but not limited to, coaching, event organization, administration, and maintenance tasks.

Volunteer Recruitment

  • Open Positions: Volunteer opportunities will be advertised on the WSC website and social media channels, detailing the roles and requirements.
  • Application Process: Interested individuals are encouraged to apply through the specified channels, providing relevant information about their skills and interests.
  • Selection Process: Volunteers will be selected based on their qualifications, the needs of the club, and their commitment to WSC’s values and goals.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Volunteers: Are expected to perform their duties to the best of their abilities, adhere to club policies, and maintain a positive and respectful attitude towards all club members and the community.
  • The Club: Will provide volunteers with the necessary orientation, training, and resources to perform their roles effectively. WSC is also committed to creating a safe and supportive environment for all volunteers.

Training and Development

WSC values the personal and professional development of our volunteers. The club will offer:

  • Orientation Sessions: To familiarize volunteers with the club’s operations, culture, and expectations.
  • Training Programs: Tailored to specific volunteer roles, ensuring volunteers have the skills and knowledge required.
  • Feedback and Support: Regular feedback sessions will be held to support volunteer development and address any concerns.

Recognition and Appreciation

WSC acknowledges the invaluable contribution of volunteers to our club’s success. We are committed to recognizing and celebrating the efforts of our volunteers through:

  • Appreciation Events: Annual events to honor and thank our volunteers.
  • Recognition Awards: Awards and certificates to acknowledge outstanding volunteer contributions.
  • Volunteer Development: Opportunities for advancement and leadership roles within the club.

Conduct and Compliance

Volunteers are representatives of WSC and are expected to uphold the highest standards of conduct, including:

  • Adherence to Policies: Compliance with all club policies, including child protection, health and safety, and social media policies.
  • Confidentiality: Respecting the confidentiality of sensitive club information.

Grievance Procedure

Volunteers who have concerns or grievances related to their volunteer experience are encouraged to:

  • Speak Up: Initially, try to resolve the issue informally with the relevant club member.
  • Formal Complaint: If unresolved, submit a formal complaint in writing to the club management.

Policy Review

This Volunteer Policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains relevant and effective in supporting our volunteers and the club’s objectives.


Volunteers are integral to the Welland Soccer Club, and their contributions are greatly valued. This policy is a testament to our commitment to ensuring a fulfilling volunteer experience, contributing to the growth and success of our soccer community.